Sunday, June 7, 2015

C4T #1 Post 1 & 2

Post #1: 

In Reflections on my First Year as an Elective Teacher, Mrs. Goerend writes about the relationships she has with her students. She describes how the bond with specific students grew and how emotional she was at the end of the year. She also realized the impact that she had on a student when they brought her a plant and a 2 page hand written letter.

Here's the comment I left:
Good evening Mrs. Goerend,

            I’m a EDM 310 student at the University of South Alabama and after reading your blog, I realized how important the connections that we, as teachers, create with students. These connections can be formed over anything and emotions are mixed in as well. Teachers spend so many hours with students  it is impossible for a bond not to form. I have heard many teachers say their students are like their children but they never explain why or how. I think teachers sometimes forget how much of an impact we have in students’ lives and it catches us by surprise. When I am a teacher I hope to form a connection with my students as well.


Post #2:

Always on the Clock by Becky Goerend describes how a teacher never stops being a teacher even when they are out of the classroom. Wherever teachers go, they will always be teachers. She describes the various times she ran into students and parents at the store or events. At the end of the blog Mrs. Goerend asked “do you choose to live in the community in which you teach?” My response to the question was no, I wouldn’t choose to live in the community I teach because I would not want parents crossing the professional to personal boundary. I believe in leaving work at work and leaving my personal life at home. If these two were to get mixed both work and my personal life will be effected. 



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